The Team
Role Description
On the basis of the current situation of your institution, the adoption process of the ESC may require the execution of several kind of tasks that could imply different kind of skills and responsibilities.
For this reason, a set of three roles has been identified as the ideal composition of the team that will carry out the process. Of course, depending on the size of your institution, the actual number of people needed may vary.
Legal Representative
It's the person that represents the institution and is the process owner.
The legal representative appoints the functional administrator and the technical administrator and supports them during the adoption process.
Once the adoption process is completed and the institution starts issuing the ESC, the legal representative is responsible for the data exchange between the institution and the ESC Router.
Functional Administrator
It's the person responsible for the organizational related tasks of the Adoption Process, such as:
- Asking for registration on the ESC Router
- Adapting the Campus Card Layout
- Verifying the ESC lifecycle procedures
- Verifying that the students are properly informed about the ESC, and that they have the possibility to give or deny their consent to proceed with the ESC registration
Depending on the size of the Institution, this role may be filled by a single person, or more than one each responsible for a single area.
Technical Administrator
He/she is the person responsible for the technical – related tasks of the Adoption Process, such as:
- Implement the production of the ESC-N and ESI for each ESC Card
- Apply changes to the Card Management System so it can register ESC Cards on the Router
- Implement the interaction with the Router for the ESC Card lifecycle: creation, update, expiry.
Depending on the size of the Institution, this role may be filled by a single person, or more than one each responsible for a single area.