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ESC-tension 2 kick-off

1 December 2023

ESC-tension 2
kicked off!

On 27 November 2023, the Erasmus Student Network and Fondazione ENDISU organised the Kick-off Meeting of the new project “ESC-tension 2 – Accelerating the ESC adoption in the EEA”

ESC-tension presented around Europe

31 October 2022

The ESC-tension Weeks

The ESC-tension project officially came to an end on October 31, meeting the expected results. The opportunity to disseminate these results was represented by the “ESC-tension weeks”, the national events hosted by the 7 core partners in 6 countries, between 18 and 28 October.

ESC-tension presented around Europe)

31 May 2022

ESC-tension presented around Europe

ESC-tension staff involved in two different international events taking place simultaneously from 17 to 19 May: the ECCA Annual Conference in Porto and the EDSSI Final Conference in Thessaloniki

Aveiro Meeting

July 11, 2024

Second project meeting in Aveiro

The University of Aveiro hosted the second meeting of the ESC-tension 2 project with the participation of all the core partners.

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ESC-tension has the aim to promote the adoption and use of the European Student Card (ESC) by establishing a platform that will become a national focal point for the HEIs that want to implement the ESC. The platform will host the multilingual versions of operational tools that will detail the administrative, organisational and operational steps to issue the ESC, harmonise the card systems and adapt the students’ services to make the ESC fully functional in operational environments.


ESC-tension brings together excellence at EU level in the sphere of HEIs, student cards, ESC implementation as well as student services. The partnership encompasses complementary capacities and expertise through the involvement of 7 partners from 6 countries.


ESC-Tension will produce operational tools to advance the adoption and use of the ESC in HEIs that will have available the tools to implement the ESC in “Plug & Play” modality.

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